Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Morning Message #55

Howdy friends,🙋
Today is Tuesday, June 9th, 2020.

Here is today's Daily Special .  I think the special teachers sent out their last video yesterday!

Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle.   In Freckle today there is one new assignment about base 10 in the 🐓section.  You can also choose some of the other number practice problems in the 🦁section. 

Lexia for 15-20 minutes.  Read for 30 minutes. Here is a wonderful story you might like to listen to about 10 simple things that you can do around your house to help the world. 

 What do you do to help the world?  You can write and draw about how you help the Earth!

Optional Activities:
Baby animals are so cute to look at.  Have you ever wondered why?  Here is a mystery science lesson from my good friend Doug all about this topic.
I hope you enjoy looking at all the sweet baby animals...I wish I could take one home!  Why do baby animals look so cute?
I think I've played this song for you before...I just love it and it reminds me of all of you!  What am I?

Math Challenge:
Practice writing the numbers 0-20 or even go higher!
Count backwards from 29 all the way to 0.
Create as many equations as you can that equal 10 (you can use 10 counters to help you).
Count by 10s, and 5s to 100.

Have an awesome day!  Love, 💗Mrs. Cody

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Morning Message #54

Hello kind friends,🙋
Today is Monday, June 8th, 2020.

Here is today's Daily Special   -Movement Monday!⚽

Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle.   In Freckle today there is one new assignment about counting in the 🐓section.  You can also choose some of the other number practice problems in the 🦁section. 

Lexia for 15-20 minutes.  Read for 30 minutes. Here is a wonderful story you might like to listen to about a girl who loves to use her imagination to be the characters in the books that she reads.  This is also a story about being courageous (talk about what this means) and not giving up, and speaking up for yourself or being assertive.  Amazing Grace 

 What you would do if you were in Grace's class and heard someone say unkind or unfair words.  How would you feel if you were Grace?  Why is it important to help others with your words? You can write/draw about your ideas!

Optional Activities:
I know that sometimes things are very hard to do and you might feel like giving up (like learning to ride your bike without training wheels or helping someone) but remember to keep on trying.  Here is a wonderful song about not giving up!

Math Challenge:
Would you rather have this...

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Or this?
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Have an awesome day!  Love, 💗Mrs. Cody

Monday, June 8, 2020

Morning Message #53

Hello My  Friends,
Today is t.g.i. Friday, June 5th, 2020

Here is today's Daily Special   -Frey Friday!  

Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle.   In Freckle today there is no new assignment.  You can try to finish any old 
work from before or make your own Freckle choice.

Lexia for 15-20 minutes.  Read for 30 minutes. Perhaps you can read one of your old favorite books to a stuffy, parent, friend, sister/brother or just in a cozy place at your house!  Here is a book you might like to read Same Difference.    
Write about how you are the same as others and also about how you are different.  You can use these words:  
We are the same, we have __________________________.  
We are different, we _______________________________________.

Optional Activities:
It is choice time Friday here are some ideas for a Fabulous Friday (Many ideas inspired by all of you!):
  1. Go on a picnic
  2. Have a play or puppet show
  3. Open an art store (where you can sell your art)
  4. Have a tea party
  5. Build a very tall lego structure
  6. Take a hike and look for creatures
  7. Go on a bike ride
  8. Build a fairy home outside
  9. Play a game
  10. Jump rope
  11. Bounce a basketball 
  12. Scooter
  13. Enjoy the day with a choice of your own
  14. Play in the rain
  15. Write a letter to someone
  16. Build something with an empty box
  17. Write a Joke book
  18. Send me a picture of your choice time activity
Math:  Which set of balls would you rather play with?  And Why?
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Mindful Activity:
Try this go-noodle activity Make a Wish!  My wish for today is that all of you have a wonderful day!

The Friday joke of the day is:  What flies around a Kindergarten class at night? (The answer is at the end of the message.)
Have a fantastic Friday! 

 Lots of Love, Mrs. Cody  
The Answer to the Friday joke: The Alphabat!

Morning Message #52

Hello kind friends,
Today is Thursday, June 3rd, 2020.

Here is today's Daily Special   -Artful Thursday!

Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle.   In Freckle today there is one new assignment about counting in the 

section.  You can also choose some of the other number practice problems in the 


Lexia for 15-20 minutes.  Read for 30 minutes. Here is a story you might like to listen to about caring about others and showing empathy.

We all make mistakes.  Do you get angry sometimes and feel badly about things you did?  I sure do!  We all have the power to make choices.  Kind words, a smile, saying "I'm sorry" can send those ripples of hope and happiness to your family and friends when you have done something that you feel badly about.  You can write about this today.  You can write words:  When I _________________I feel sad so I _____________________.

Optional Activities:
Here is a song to get you moving and celebrating being part of the world:
How can some animals protect themselves from being eaten by other animals?  Watch this very cool PBS special! Masters of Disguise

Math Challenge:
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Have an awesome day!  Love, 💗Mrs. Cody

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Morning Message #51

Howdy friends,
Today is Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020.

Here is today's Daily Special   -Tech Wednesday!  

Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle.   In Freckle today there is one new assignment about measuring in the 

section.  You can also choose some of the other number practice problems in the 


Lexia for 15-20 minutes.  Read for 30 minutes. Here is a story you might like to listen to about helping I Can Save the Earth.
What are some things that you can do to help the Earth?  Write the words:
I can help the Earth by _____________________________________.
Don't forget to draw a picture!

Optional Activities:
Here is a really interesting video about how we all need each other -the sun, the plants, and animals in order to survive!

Here is a project that you can do to help the EARTH:

Have a super duper day!  Love, Mrs. Cody

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Morning Message #50

Hello friends,
Today is Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020.

Here is today's Daily Special   -Tuneful Tuesday!  

Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle.   In Freckle today there is one new assignment about geometry or the study of shapes in the 

section.  You can also choose some of the other number practice problems in the 


Lexia for 15-20 minutes.  Read for 30 minutes. Here is a story you might like to listen to...I really like it! 
What do you do to help?  Write a sentence starting like this:
I can help at home by

Optional Activities:
Mindful Activity
Did you know that it is o.k. to get angry?  Yes, it is part of being human.  But when we do, it is important not to hurt other people, so here is some advice from other kids your age: Just Breathe.

Exercise also helps us feel better when we are feeling angry or sad.  I go for a walk or play basketball when I am upset and I feel so much better afterwards.  Here is an exercise to do inside or outside:  Try counting backwards from 20 to 1 while doing jumping jacks, count backwards from 30 to 20 marching, count backwards from 40 to 30 twisting, keep going if you can -making up exercises and doing sets while counting backwards (50-40, 60-50, etc.).

And now here is a message from Mr. Rogers:

Have an awesome day!  Love, Mrs. Cody

Monday, June 1, 2020

Morning Message #49

Good morning kindergarten friends,
Today is Monday, June 1st, 2020.

Here is today's Daily Special   -Moving Monday!  

Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle.   In Freckle today there is one new assignment about adding and subtracting in the image.png section.  You can also choose some of the other number practice problems in the image.png section. 

Lexia for 15-20 minutes.  Read for 30 minutes. Here is a story you might like to listen to again it is one of my favorites The Rainbow Fish.  Can you draw a picture of your very own rainbow fish?  Do you have a lucky scale or something that makes you feel special?

Optional Activities:
A person in our class caught his first fish over Memorial Day weekend!  Have you ever gone fishing before?  Have you ever wondered how fish breathe under water?  Mystery Doug sent me this wonderful science lesson on Why Can't Fish Breathe on Land?  

Math:  Take a look at the image below.  Which creation “doesn’t belong?”  Can you think of a reason for each one?  Remember, there is not one right answer!  
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Have a wonderful day!  Love, Mrs. Cody

Morning Message #48

Howdy Friends,
Today is t.g.i. Friday, May 29th, 2020

Here is today's Daily Special   -Frey Friday!  

Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle.   In Freckle today there is no new assignment.  You can try to finish any old 
work from before or make your own Freckle choice.

Lexia for 15-20 minutes.  Read for 30 minutes. Perhaps you can read one of your old favorite books to a stuffy, parent, friend, sister/brother or just in a cozy place at your house!  Here is a book you might like to read again The Night I followed the Dog.

Optional Activities:
It is choice time Friday here are some ideas for a Fabulous Friday (Many ideas inspired by all of you!):
  1. Go on a picnic
  2. Have a play or puppet show
  3. Open an art store (where you can sell your art)
  4. Have a tea party
  5. Build a very tall lego structure
  6. Take a hike and look for creatures
  7. Go on a bike ride
  8. Build a fairy home outside
  9. Play a game
  10. Jump rope
  11. Bounce a basketball 
  12. Scooter
  13. Enjoy the day with a choice of your own
  14. Play in the rain
  15. Write a letter to someone
  16. Build something with an empty box
  17. Mystery Science visits an Astronaut and Make a paper straw Rocket
  18. Send me a picture of your choice time activity

The joke of the day is:  What do elephants wear to the pool?  (The answer is at the end of the message.)
Have a fantastic Friday! 

 Lots of Love, Mrs. Cody  

Answer to the joke of the day:  Swimming Trunks!