Sunday, September 27, 2020
Here is a quick snapshot of week three...we did so much more.
PE: This week we learned how to play banana tag and two/four square! We have PE and some recess on the pavement in the front of UES. I have gone through so many bandages...the asphalt is not very forgiving. One thing that helps...if the children just wear sneakers to school as much as possible. Also, we are working on our spacing when we are running so that we do not bump into each other. We did read a book called “Personal Space Invader.”
ECO: We learned how to take care of ourselves, how to take care of each other, and how to take care of the Earth. We played caterpillar tag. We went on a short nature hike and collected items that would not hurt our hearts if picked up for a nature museum. We will go to Harrison Field on Tuesday this coming week. Please check the weather report! It is looking like would be great. I will bring the kids outside even in the rain.
Science: We learned about the different types of apples, how they are alike and different. Our caterpillars are now in their chrysalis. We each got our very own sunflower to harvest!.
Math: We worked on counting from different spots to 100. We used two dice to count on. We learned how at math time we have a “menu” of choices. We worked on our first window Pane, writing numbers to 9, and learned what the word digit means. Goal: I can write my numbers the correct way.
Literacy: We reviewed the sounds of a and t. We practiced their letter formation using lines (skyline, airplane line and grass line). We worked on letters b and h (sounds, how to unlock their sounds and hand writing). They each got a wipe off dry erase mat to practice their names (I sent one copy home in their red folders). We were letter b and h detectives. Also, we read several picture favorite was ”Rhyming Dust Bunnies.” Goal: I can produce and listen for rhyming words. Heart Words/High Frequency Words: me, am, I
Next Week’s letters: i, j Words: like and see
Art/Music: In art we learned about oops mistakes and how they can turn into something beautiful. We learned a song about plants and butterflies.
Choice Time Options: matchboxes, watercolors, horse farms, games (spot it), and legos
Mindful: We played go noodle! How to work with a partner. We decorated our desks with family pictures.
Recess: Please be ready for possible rain this week… as long as it’s not too heavy of a rain we will go outside.Sunday, September 20, 2020
Wow...our first full week of kindergarten! Here is a quick snapshot...we did so much more.
PE-This week we learned how to play noodle tag and created obstacle courses with chalk. Thank you for all the lovely chalk donations.
ECO-We learned how to take care of ourselves and each other when we are at Harrison Field. We played falling leaves. The squirrel tried collect following leaves for his winter nest. They did a fabulous job walking safely on the sidewalk. Thank you for making sure they all had the proper footwear. We will go to Harrison Field on Tuesday this coming week. Please check the weather report!
Science: We went on a virtual nature walk to discover how we can observe animals patterns to see how they eat food. We also used our bodies to act out the animal actions. Our painted lady butterflies arrived. We are busy watching them eat and grow!
Math: We count everyday (the goal -I can count to 100.) to wake up Count von Count. We discussed shapes, digits, patterns (caterpillars) and played many subitizing games with dice.
Literacy: We reviewed the sounds of a and t. We practiced their letter formation using lines (skyline, airplane line and grass line). We passed out book boxes for read to self. They colored and read two take and make books -"Chester Goes to School," and "Chicka Chicka Boom." We were letter a and t detectives. Also, we read several picture favorite was about our class family. Goal: I can point to words when I read. They received their first pointers. Heart word of the week-I.
Art/Music: The children received their art supplies and made pictures about what brings them joy! During music they did a finger play and pretended to move like butterflies.
Choice Time: We had free lego explore!
Mindful: Ask them to show you five finger breathing.
Recess: We were able to get outside twice everyday...we tried to eat lunch outside. The bees were way too interested in our lunches!