Sunday, December 13, 2020

Ten Frame

Ten Frame Choice Time



 Here is a quick snapshot of week twelve:

ECO:  We hiked to the top of Harrison woods, continued working on our animal homes and left some bird seed.  We will go to Harrison Field on Tuesday this week.  Please check the weather report for proper gear.  Looks sunny with a high of 19 degrees.  Please dress warm on Tuesday!

Science/SS:  We learned what insects do in the winter.  We read a book about Diwali and Hanukkah.  We will continue learning how light plays a role in the world around us leading up to the winter solstice.  We will learn how people use light all over the world.  We will have a day in the dark on December 21st the winter solstice.  The kids may bring a flashlight to school on the 21st.  In addition, we ran a gingerbread cookie experiment.  We predicted if it would be a good idea if the cookie swam across the river! We made a hypothesis and tested our ideas.  

Math:  We used double 10 frames to learn how to play dreidel.  We played a 1-20 dice gingerbread game.  We practiced writing our teen numbers and discussed that teen numbers start with 1. The children put the numbers in order building a play-dough snake and made counting by 10 number cards.  We made gingerbread cookie graphs.   Goals:  I can count objects up to 20.  I can write numbers up to 20.  I can count to 100.  I can recognize that 11-19 are 10 and some more. I can count backwards from 20.  I can recognize numbers up to 20. I can count by 10s to 100.

Literacy:   We worked on the letter d (d dog /d/).   We started reading Fantastic Mr. Fox By Roald Dahl.  We read about 8 different gingerbread stories...traditional and unique versions.  Our two new heart/snap words were he and do.  We made two make and take books for our book boxes.  Goals:  I can draw pictures and tell about books I read. I can read high frequency words.  I can use my super reading powers (strategies)to read books.  I can blend CVC words.  Heart Words/High Frequency Words: me, am, I, see, like, a, the, and, is, can, go, it, to, we, in, is, at, see, no, so, he, do

Next Week’s letters: Review all letters and  the digraph sh (key word ship) Snap word: she review can

Art/Music:  We used our oil pastels to create centerpieces.  The themes were landscapes and backgrounds.  In music they moved like zombies, caught butterflies, sang the meatball song and learned about many different wind instruments.

Choice Time Options:  We played with legos, cars, animals, brain flakes, magna tiles, castle characters.  We had game day -gingerbread tens frame memory (we will send home a copy to play with families this coming week).  We made gingerbread salt dough cutouts for decorations.  We also went outside for extra recess.

Lunch:  During lunch (11:15-11:30) the class listens to a book on Storyline Online or One More Story.  Both are online libraries with award winning children’s literature set to music.  One More Story also includes the words. We continue to offer snack time outside at 9:15 (before recess) to those who are hungry (many do not choose to eat a morning snack).

The children are very close to filling their gem jar for another class celebration!  

 Thank you so much and have a great week!  Fondly, Dena

Sunday, December 6, 2020

 Here is a quick snapshot of week eleven:

Water Bottle:  Please remember to send filled water bottles on Monday.  A pipe burst over the weekend.  The school will provide bottled water if needed.

ECO:  We learned the concepts of  carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore.  We used our Vermont animals to play a tag game.  We read books about animals in winter and made animal hibernation habitats in the woods.  It was a super fun hike to the top of Harrison woods.   We will go to Harrison Field on Tuesday this week.  Please check the weather report for proper gear.  Looks cloudy with a high of 28 degrees.

Science/SS:  We discussed the solar system.  The sun is the star in our solar system.  Next week we will do some gingerbread experiments and read several versions of the gingerbread story.  We will also learn about how light plays a role in the world around us leading up to the winter solstice.  We will learn how people use light all over the world reading the book Lights of Winter by Heather Conrad.  We will have a day in the dark on December 21st the winter solstice.  The kids may bring a flashlight to school on the 21st.  

Math:  We used double 10 frames to record numbers in the teens.  We played a spin and recorded a 10 frames pumpkin game.  We practiced writing our teen numbers and discussed that teen numbers start with 1.  Goals:  I can count objects up to 20.  I can write numbers up to 20.  I can count to 100.  I can recognize that 11-19 are 10 and some more. I can count backwards from 20.  I can recognize numbers up to 20.

Literacy:   We worked on letters Y (y yellow) and Z (z zebra).   We have read the first two Dragon Masters chapter books.  Our two new heart/snap words were no and so.  We worked on blending CVC words such as sit, nit, pit, fit, etc.  We read two different books about a lost mitten, The Mitten and The Great Mitten Mystery. We made a make and take mitten book and created mitten designs. Goals:  I can draw pictures and tell about books I read. I can read high frequency words.  I can use my super reading powers (strategies)to read books.  I can blend CVC words.  Heart Words/High Frequency Words: me, am, I, see, like, a, the, and, is, can, go, it, to, we, in, is, at, see, no, so 

Next Week’s letters: d (which I like to say c my d) Snap word: do

Art/Music:  We learned more about the primary colors.  We created mouse eating cheese pictures using the primary colors.  The children baked a pie during music and learned how to shake their sillies out!

Choice Time Options:  We played with Legos, cars, animals, brain flakes, magna tiles, castle characters.  We had game day -connect four, spot it and UNO.  We also went outside for extra recess.

I am amazed every day by all of your children.  They are all so kind and flexible.  You should all be so very proud of these young learners.  Thank you for all that you do!

 Thank you so much and have a great week!

Fondly, Dena

ECO Animal Hibernation/Animal Habitats


ECO Animal Homes