Kinder News 12/19/21
Hello Kinder Families
-We have ECO on Monday, December 20th. Please help your child dress for the weather (high of 31 low of 8). We should have plenty of fun tomorrow at Harrison with all the new snow!
-On Tuesday, December 21 the kindergarten classes will have a “Day in the Dark” to reinforce learning about day and night, including solstice - the shortest day and longest night of the year! If you have anything at home that would light up in the dark we would appreciate it if you could send it to school. Here are some suggestions:
Glow Sticks
Glow in the dark stickers/beads
We will return your items that day. Please label all items sent to school and no headlamps!
-Please email me if you would like your child to bring home their Chromebook for the vacation. I will send them home on Wednesday for families who would like to use them for Lexia.
Here is a snapshot of the past two weeks:
-Worked on writing and sounds of letters of all the alphabet and the digraph th
-Blending sounds to make words (CVC words)
-Practice using all 25 kindergarten heart words
-Reading groups worked on letter sounds, heart words, writing in reading journals, and reading guided reading books
-Writing show and tell stories, adding more words, pages and details
-Learned about different celebrations around the world
-Explored Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Starry Night made our own art inspired Starry Starry Nights
-Our social emotional lesson focused on including others we read the book The Buddy Bench
-Started reading Zoey and Sassafras a chapter book about a little girl who is part scientist and healer of mysterious creatures
-Read many versions of the gingerbread boy, ninja, girl, animal crackers, friends, bear
-Wrote about the month of November “I like . . .
-We ran a gingerbread science experiment and we asked “What would happen if the gingerbread swam across the river?”
-We designed Gingerbread houses and wrote and I can run run from…(sentences)
-We were detectives and went on a heart word hunt
-Earned a gem celebration -Dance Party last Friday…so much fun!
-Counted backwards starting from 20
-Worked on counting to 100 and number formation up to 10
-Used our math menus during math (gingerbread bump, number order to 20, counting backwards)
-We worked on the meaning of teen numbers for example 13 is 10 and 3 more
-Worked on giving the next number
-Learned how to play “Othello”
-Practiced writing numbers with proper formation
-Used our Chromebooks for Lexia
-Made thank you hearts for the people who keep our classroom clean and safe
-Made a card for one of our friends
-We are adding a new student to our classroom on January 3rd
We read many books including:
Zoey and Sassafras by Asia Citro
The Gingerbread Pirates by Kristin Kladstrup
The Gingerbread Bear by Robert Dennis
The Gingerbread Girl by Lisa Campbell Ernst
Gingerbread Friends by Jan Brett
The Buddy Bench by Patty Brozo
Possible Questions to ask your child:
What is the buddy bench?
What is Zoey nervous about?
What sound does “th” make?
What comes after 29? 32? 101?
Let’s count backwards from 20, or 29?
How might you welcome and help our new classmate?
Review heart words