Monday, January 22, 2024

Kinder News #`11 January 22, 2024

 Kinder News: 

We had a wonderful week.  Here is a snapshot of the last two weeks and some important updates.  Please remember to label all clothes. It helps!  We also run low on emergency snack donations (goldfish, applesauce, and other peanut-free food donation ideas).  The kids seem more hungry lately.  They may need more snacks from home.  Thank you for all of your support.  


Important Dates:

Picture Retake Day Monday, January 22

Early Release Day Monday, January 29

Next ECO February TBD

Report Cards are coming soon!

Literacy Snapshot:

Digraphs (ch, wh, -ck, th, sh)

Vowels are so important they have more than one sound

Blending and writing CVC words (top, pop, mop)

Heart words - A, I, the, my, by, see, me, be, she, he

Poetry Writing Unit (list poems, shape poems, senses poems)

Writing letters, words, and sentences

Reading groups

Some Books We read:

Mercy Watson Something Wonky This Way Comes

The Snowy Day

Snowman Magic

Let’s Find Out about Martin Luther King

Sneezy the Snowman

Snowy Owls

When Winter Comes

Ten Animals on the Sled

We’re All Wonders (all school assembly book read)

Math Snapshot:

What goes with a number to make 5! (adding partners to 5)

A Sled designed for ten animals

Counting backward from 100

What comes after and before a number

Counting to 100, starting at different spots on the 100s chart

Teen Numbers (18 is 10 and 8 more)

Base 10 blocks to study ones and tens places

Number Formation

Counting by 10s

Math Menu

Science/SS Snapshot:

How do animals and plants survive in the winter

The five senses

Cooperation and Wonderment Gem Jar challenge

The sun is a star (provides light and heat)

4th grade Buddies Choice Time with our Buddies

The Animals of the Arctic

The Snowy Owl who got lost

The Vet Office is Open

Questions to Ask your Kinder:

Practice writing your last name challenge.

How do animals survive in the winter?

Count backward from 20 as a family.

What did we do at the all-school assembly (guess the picture)?

What is the silent greeting?

Here are some snapshots of the past two short weeks.  I was a little low on pictures!

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Kinder News #10 January 6, 2024

 Kinder News, 

We had a wonderful last week together in December and the first week in January.  We welcomed a new student to our class!

Important Dates:

No School Monday, January 15 MLK Day

Early Release Day Monday, January 29

Lip Sync Battle Friday, January 26 (I think) at 5:00PM at Montpelier High School

Next ECO February TBD

Literacy Snapshot:

Sh, wh, ck, and the two sounds of th (digraphs)

Lowercase letter formation

Long and short sound vowel practice

Syllables and Rhyming

Using letter sounds to blend CVC words (bat, mat, sat, lid, pop, etc)

Heart words - A, I , the, see, we, he, she, me, be

Poetry Unit -List Poems

Writing letters, words and sentences

Reading groups

Some Books We read:

Mercy Watson Thinks LIke a Pig

Maddie’s Fridge

Memoirs of an Elf

Mary Had a Little Jam

A Stick is a Wonderful Thing

Many different Gingerbread stories!

Math Snapshot:

Base 10 blocks for counting by 10s and teen numbers

What comes after and before a number

Counting to 100

Teen Numbers (18 is 10 and 8 more)

Double Ten’s Frames

Number formation

Creating animal structures

Math Menu

Science/SS Snapshot:

Decorated gingerbread cookies with our fourth grade buddies

Can you build a house out of candy (science)?

Why do Penguins have wings if they can not fly?

Who invented football?

Hot Chocolate Stand (pretend)

Making Gifts (picture/star)

Writing Cards

Poems about ourselves

Poems about winter

The Weather and Winter

Puzzles (350 pieces)

Questions to Ask your Kinder:

What is the middle sound in the following words:  rug, dash, that, shock, chess (remind them they can use a roller coaster).

Tell me about the new Mercy Watson book you are reading in kindergarten?  Where are the characters going in the book?

Did you like the taste of gingerbread?

Also, if you are looking for a fun family night you might want to go to a MHS basketball game (it feels like a professional game to a UES student).  The next home game is Friday, January 12th JV starts at 5:30 and V starts at 7:00.  I promised the class I would let you know about the next home game:)