Hi Kinder Families,
We had a great week back from vacation. We finished reading and rating all ten Red Clover Books and incubated 18 chick eggs.
Important Dates:
Monday, May 6 John Jose Guest Presenter “Recycling and composting”
Tuesday, May 7 ECO at Harrison Field, please dress for the weather
Monday, May 20th, Early Release Day
Monday, May 27th: No School Memorial Day
Monday, June 3rd Field Trip-Montshire Museum
Monday, June 17, the Last Day of Kindergarten
Field Trip:
Our field trip to the Montshire Museum is scheduled for June 3. We are still in need of chaperones for this trip. If you are planning on attending, please send me one more email. It is not too late to complete the paperwork and fingerprints. Your presence as a chaperone will greatly contribute to the success and safety of this trip.
We are hearing, writing, and reading words with the -ing ending
We continue hearing, writing, and reading words with digraphs (sh, ch, th, wh) and consonant blends (cl, st, br, etc.)
We continue practicing reading CVCe words (make, ripe, rope)
We are learning how to use punctuation marks (. ! ?)
We continue to practice lowercase letter formation and writing sentences (uppercase first letter in a sentence and period at the end of a sentence)
We have been learning that a group of sentences is called a paragraph
We continue practicing oral rhyming, blending, and segmenting syllables and sounds in words
We have learned the sight words: a, I, the, can, an, and, see, he, she, me, be, to, do, or, for, my, by, as, has, is, his, you, are, was, they, have
We continue to identify fiction vs nonfiction text and the characteristics of each
We are writing and reading using our phonics skills during reading groups
We have started the story-writing process! We think about something we know well (our families, activities), plan our ideas, and then draw and write about them.
We continue counting practice up to 100, backward from 20, by tens to 100, by 10s starting at different numbers (2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 92, 102)
We continue to decompose numbers to 10 using pictures, manipulatives, and equations (addition and subtraction)
We are solving story problems with pictures, objects, and equations.
Science/Social Studies
We are discussing how to take care of the earth: reduce, reuse, and recycle waste.
We are learning about the life cycle of animals that lay eggs (frogs, chicks, etc.)
SEL Focus: Playground: Being kind - including others, taking turns. Being safe - not hitting or wrestling. Being responsible - taking care of toys, lining up when the bell rings
Writing Process Pictures:
ECO Pictures:
Everyone loves books. Guests:
Basketball Opportunity:
Fourth Grade Buddies (Animals from Australia books):
New Sandbox Toys (gift from a grant):
Thank you! Dena