Kinder News 4/12/22
Hello Kinder Families
Friday, April 16 PJ and Comfy Clothes Day
Monday, April 18th-Friday, April 22nd -- NO SCHOOL; SPRING BREAK
Friday, May 6th -- Early Release at 1:00 p.m.
-ECO Dates for Spring: May 5 W/Fiona, May 19
Kindergarten screening will take place in June this year. The last day for present kindergarteners will be MONDAY, JUNE 13th. Kindergarten screening will take place on June 14th and 15th. More information will be coming out soon. The last day for all other students will be Thursday, June 16th. Students will be dismissed that day between 11:45-12:00 and all will receive a bagged lunch to take home.
Here is a snapshot of the past two weeks:
-Introduced first grade heart words -out, of, nice, here
-Read alouds books about Mr. Putter and Tabby
-Started a new science unit “We are Weather Watchers”
-Read several make and take books
-Social Emotional Lesson “Accepting No” here is the book we used I Just Don't Like the Sound of NO!
-We are working on Hallway Rules/earning gems for the school fish tank (school wide treat on Friday)
-Addition and Subtraction Unit
-All the ways to make 10 Rainbow Math
-Addition Memory
-Practiced writing equations and number families
-Played pigs in a pen game adding teen numbers
-Used our Chromebooks for Lexia and Sumdog
-Reading The Water Dragon
-ECO looked for signs of spring, visited our pumpkins from the fall
-The Solid Waste Management program visited us outside, John brought his worms and dirt to play. He taught us what to do with our food scraps at school and home.
Possible Questions to ask your child:
What does it mean to accept no?
What are some different ways to make 10?
How do you spell of? Why is it a heart word?
What do you need to notice to be a weather watcher? What are some ways to get ready for a storm?
What kind of person is Mr. Putter? Why does he agree to go to bean cooking school with Mrs. Teaberry?
Solid Waste Management Visit from John
Math Game
Heart Word OF
Making Stars for the Say yes to no club!