Monday, January 20, 2025

Kinder News #8 Jan. 20th, 2025

 Kinder News: 

We had a wonderful week.  Here is a snapshot of the last two weeks and some important updates.  Thank you for all of your support.  

Important Dates:

Lip Sync Battle Friday, January 24 at Montpelier High School

Next ECO March TBD

Report Cards are coming soon!

Literacy Snapshot:

Digraphs (ch, wh, -ck, th, sh)

Vowels are so important they have more than one sound

Blending and writing CVC words (top, pop, mop)

Heart words - A, I, the, my, see, me, has, was, is, and, to

Questions sentences/Writing News Stories

Writing letters, words, and sentences

Would you rather have a dog or cat?

Reading groups

Some Books We read:

Jillyś Terrible Temper Tantrums

Let’s Find Out about Martin Luther King

When Sophie Gets Angry

Owl Moon


Math Snapshot:

Counting backward from 100

What comes after and before a number

Counting to 100, starting at different spots on the 100s chart

Teen Numbers (18 is 10 and 8 more)

Counting the Decades

More than Less than Equal (Symbols)

Number Formation

Counting by 10s


Which one does not belong?

Math Menu

Science/SS Snapshot:

How do animals survive in the winter

Spreading Kindness (Martin Luther King Jr.)

Kindness Gem Jar challenge

Hibernating Bears 

4th grade Buddies Choice Time with our Buddies

A walk through the woods with a quail, racoon, and woodpecker (How do animals find food?)

How were Popsciles Invented?

Questions to Ask your Kinder:

Practice writing your last name challenge.

How do bears survive in the winter?

Count backward from 20 as a family.

What are the decade numbers?

What are some question words?

Here are some snapshots of the past two weeks!