Kinder News,
We had a very productive two weeks of school. Our students demonstrated exceptional behavior, filling our gem jar twice by following the school rules ( We are kind. We are safe. We are responsible). This led to two extra choice times in the morning, a testament to their commitment. We appreciate your participation in the open house last week. We are excited about our first ECO this week, where we will walk to Harrison Field with Victoria, a naturalist from the Nature Center. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and wears walking shoes. During ECO, we will have a unique outdoor science class.
Important Dates:
Monday, September 30th: Early Release Day
Friday, October 11: No School Inservice Day
Monday, October 14: No School Indigenous Peoples Day
Wednesday, October 2: ECO at Harrison Field 1:30-2:30
Wednesday, October 16: ECO at Harrison Field 1:30-2:30
Wednesday, October 30: ECO at Harrison Field 1:30-2:30
Monday, October 28-November 1 PUMPKIN WEEK
Thursday, November 7: Early Release Day
Friday, November 8: Care Giver Conferences No School
Pumpkin Day and Apple Donations:
We are grateful for your support and contributions. We will have Pumpkin Week starting October 28 and need small pumpkin donations. Each child needs their own pumpkin, so extra contributions are greatly appreciated. We also need apple donations. For the next couple of weeks, we will use apples for science and cooking. Your support is invaluable, and we thank you for it.
We have our very first ECO on Wednesday, October 2. We will walk over to Harrison at 1:30. Please make sure you help your child dress for the weather. We usually go rain or shine.
I bring the children out for recess twice daily, rain or shine. It is very helpful that the children are properly dressed for the weather. Thank you for your help!
EXTRA Clothes: Please remember to restock extra clothes for cubbies. The school does not have extra clothes.
Literacy Snapshot:
Letters/Letter sounds -M man /m/, N nut /n/, I itch /i/, U up /u/
Name work/Writing our names with the first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase
Name puzzles
Letter formation uppercase m, n, p, r, all capital frog jump letters
Letter formation Uppercase letters with diagonals w, v, y, x, z
Segmenting and deleting syllables
Writing Poems about ourselves
Some Books we read:
The Family Book
Our Class is a Family
A Creepy Pair of Underwear
Johnny Appleseed
I Like Me
I Don’t Want to be a
Giraffes Can’t Dance
Clark Shark
Future Plans: Letters/letter Sounds - Oo Octopus /o/, Uu Up /u/, Aa Apple /a/, Gg Game /g/, Learning all about Vowels-Syllables, blending and segmenting sounds, compound words, counting words in sentences, beginning and final sounds in words, Literacy Menu (Independent Literacy Stations)
Math Snapshot:
Counting to 100+
Practiced Proper Number Formation 0-10
Played a dice and number match game
Counting through the teen numbers
Discussed the pre-teen numbers 10-12
Discussed the teen numbers 13-16
Future Plans: Math Menu (independent math stations) Number Formation 0-10, Partner Math Games
Science/SS Snapshot:
Life Cycle of Apple trees
Apple Cut Art
Still Life with Cezanne
Categories-Pass the Apple Game
Apple Variations
Apple Song -singing
Taste Test (red, yellow, and green apples)
Self Portraits
Fourth Grade Buddies (Fridays -8:30-9:00)With Mr. French’s Class
Future Plans: Recycling and Composting with John Jose (Guest Speaker from Central Vermont Solid Waste Management) Leaf Rubbings and Paintings (so beautiful) apples and pumpkin life cycles
Social Emotional Learning:
Our Hopes for kindergarten
Fire Drill Safety and practice
Mood Meter Practice
Future Plans: Mindful Station (taking a break space), Breathing Activities, Self-Space
Questions to Ask your Kinder:
What are the preteen numbers? What are the teen numbers? What do they start with?
Practice making the letters M and N. They are frog jump letters.
Sing the apple song or the pencil grip song!
How many days have we been in school (hint: it’s the number after 20)?
What was your favorite apple?
Tell me about the mood meter.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. I will respond as soon as I can. Fondly, Dena Cody
Class Library:l
Choice Time Activities:
Choice Time with our Fourth Grade Buddies: