Hello, kinder families! We've had an incredible two weeks. The children have again demonstrated their exceptional behavior, earning another gem celebration. Their kindness, safety, and responsibility make us all so proud. It's a joy to see them grow and succeed!
Important Dates:
Monday, October 14: No School Indigenous Peoples Day
Wednesday, October 2: ECO at Harrison Field 1:30-2:30
Wednesday, October 16: ECO at Harrison Field 1:30-2:30
Monday, October 28: Pumpkin Week Starts
Wednesday, October 30: ECO at Harrison Field 1:30-2:30
Monday, October 28-November 1 PUMPKIN WEEK
Thursday, November 7: Early Release Day
Friday, November 8: Caregiver Conferences No School
We have our next ECO on Wednesday, October 16. ECO, which stands for Environmental and Community Outreach, is a program where we engage in outdoor activities to learn about nature and our community. We will walk over to Harrison from 1:30 to 2:30. Please make sure you help your child dress for the weather.
Literacy Snapshot:
Letters/letter Sounds - Oo Octopus /o/, Uu Up /u/, Aa Apple /a/, Gg Game /g/
We are learning all about Vowels and syllables, blending and segmenting sounds, compound words, counting words in sentences, and beginning and final sounds in words.
Started Owl time literacy boxes and reading groups
Name work/Writing our names with the first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase
Complete sentences -begin with an uppercase letter, ending punctuation. Or!
Heart words - Me Labeling Pictures/Sentences I like...
Handwriting -all 26 Upper case letters/ Review
Some Books we read:
10 Red Apples Up on Top
Little Green Monster, I Can Save the Earth
How Full is Your Bucket?
Creepy Carrots-learned how to draw a creepy carrot
Creepy Underwear
Personal Space Invader
Future Plans: Letters d and s, lowercase letter formation
Math Snapshot:
Counted by 10s to 100
Practice counting in the teens
Practiced Proper Number Formation 0-10
Played partner Number Game
Played apple math game with a partner ways to make 5
Future Plans: ten frames for representing a number and
Continued work with teen numbers 11-16 (10+4)
Science/SS/SEL (social, emotional learning) Snapshot:
Life Cycle of an Apple
Apple Cooking Apple Sauce
Apple Prints
Apple Store
Apple Engineering -making apple pickers
Label the parts of an apple
Emotions and Breathing Activities
Mindful Couch
Bucket Filling
Insects at ECO
Recycling and Composting with John Jose (Guest Speaker from Central Vermont Solid Waste Management)
Future Plans: Fall and changes, Leaf Rubbings and Paintings), pumpkin life cycles,
Questions to Ask your Kinder:
Did you like the apple sauce we made in the crockpot?
Who is Blue Benny?
What is a syllable?
What is Heggerty?
Tell me about your imaginary bucket.
Count to 50…10; count backward from 20.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. I will respond as soon as I can.
denac@mpsvt.org Fondly, Dena Cody
ECO -Insects, can you find the spider in the second photo?
Super Sorters:
Apple Engineering:
Fourth Grade Buddies:
Ways to Make Five Apple Partner Games: