Thursday, April 30, 2020

Morning Message #28

Birthday Celebration at Beckett's House
Good Morning Kind Friends,
Today is Thursday, April 30th, 2020.
Today is day 3 in the chick incubation.  I just turned the eggs.  I did not need to add any water...humidity looks good! Here is today's Daily Special   

Life Cycle of a Chicken by Tess
Today in Freckle the rooster has your math work. After, you may play the games found within the lion icon.   I really like the fact practice section.  Here is the link to Freckle.

Login on to Lexia for 15-20 minutes
Read for 30 minutes or more.  Here is an idea:
Interrupting Chicken  Do you think papa will interrupt her when it is her turn to tell the bedtime story?

Optional Activities Writing and Science:  
In the spring I love the sounds I hear coming from my bedroom window. Here is a Mystery Science Lesson from my friend Doug Why do birds lay eggs in the spring?  The lesson is all about birds.  

Writing and Math:

Have an awesome day and please send me your pictures.  ðŸ’—Mrs. Cody

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Morning Message #27

Howdy friends,
Today is Wednesday, April 29th, 2020.
Today is day 2 in the chick egg incubation.  I gave the incubator some water this morning to keep the humidity just right for the developing embryos (unhatched chick).  I also turned the eggs and talked to them!  The mother hen would also turn her eggs.  How do you think she turns the eggs?
Here is today's Daily Special  
Olivia made an egg chart to keep track of the 21 days!
Today in Freckle the rooster we will do my favorite, adding and subtracting. After, you may play the games found within the lion icon.   Here is the link to Freckle.

Login on to Lexia for 15-20 minutes
Read for 30 minutes or more.  Here is an idea:

Optional Activities Writing and Science:
It is a special time of the year! Flowers are blooming, leaf buds are opening, the grass is getting greener, and birds are making nests! Why are they making nests? Yes! To lay eggs. We are learning about the life cycle of a bird, more specifically, a chicken!  We are on day 2 with our egg incubation.  The eggs need to stay at a temperature of 99 degrees Fahrenheit. How does a mother hen keep her eggs warm?  You might draw a picture of the life cycle of chicken don't forget to label your life cycle with words.  Here is one idea!

Fun Chicken Song with Chicken Facts:
Hendrix at George's Birthday Parade. May the force be with you!
Have a great day and I hope you get to enjoy the beautiful outdoors!  ðŸ’—Mrs. Cody

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Morning Message #26

Good Morning Kinders,
Today is Tuesday, April 28th, 2020.
Happy 6th Birthday George!!!!
Here is today's Daily Special 

 Today in Freckle the rooster we will continue working on a base 10 lesson. After, you may play the games found within the lion icon.   Here is the link to Freckle.
Ryan's tower!

Login on to Lexia for 15-20 minutes
Read for 30 minutes or more.  Here is an idea:Zombies Don't Eat Veggies .

Optional Activities Writing and Science:

I just love sunny days and vegetables.  Make a list of all the things you love!  Send me a picture of your list.
Lucy and Tess
 with yesterday's writing and science about plants!
Science/Chick Incubation
Yesterday, I received a question about our chick eggs from Tess! She wondered "Where did I find the eggs?" Here is a short video that will help answer her question and a bit more.  You might recognize the scientist!

Fun movement activity to celebrate our egg arrival is here: Boom Chicka Boom
Learn more about chickens here:
Send me any questions you have about the chick eggs.  It takes about 21 days for the eggs to develop.  You might want to make a chart that helps me keep track of the days.  Today is day one.

Have a fabulous sunny day! ðŸ’—Mrs. Cody

Monday, April 27, 2020

Morning Message #25

Morning Message #25
Welcome back,
I hope you had a great vacation.  I missed seeing all of you and look forward to seeing you this week during our online chats.  I am super excited today because I am picking up our class chick eggs.  We will begin incubating them tomorrow.  Do you have anything you might be wondering about the chick eggs?  Please send me your questions!  Today is Monday, April 27th, 2020.
Here is today's Daily Special.

You all did awesome last week learning about the different math lessons in Freckle. Today in Freckle the rooster will have you working on a base 10 lesson. After, you may play the games found within the lion icon.   Here is the link to Freckle.
Collette with her AWESOME blue tower!  How many cups did she use in all?
Login on to Lexia for 15-20 minutes
Read for 30 minutes or more.  Here is an idea:
Visit the scholastic online site for learning at home.
Go to kindergarten Week 2 Living Things-Plants .

Optional Activities: Writing and Science
Have you noticed new things growing outside this week?  Go for a walk in the rain today and look at all of the new growth so far!  How is the rain helping things grow?  What else do plants need?  Write and illustrate a sentence or two about this.  You can start with the words:  Plants need _________, __________, and ___________ to grow.  I look outside and see ________________________.

Science Experiment:
Have a wonderful day!  ðŸ’—Lots of Love, Mrs. Cody

Friday, April 17, 2020

Morning Message #24

Morning Message #24
Howdy Friends,
Today is Friday, April 17th, 2020
Here is today's Daily Special.

Today in Freckle the rooster will have you working on shapes. What is your favorite shape?  I think I have always loved rhombus shape (they remind me of kites).  Remember to do your best on the Freckle game.  This week's Freckle math should be done on your own so that the game can put you in your just right spot!  Here is the link to Freckle.

Login on to Lexia for 15-20 minutes.
Pick a book to read with your family!  My boys loved to read old favorites when they were in kindergarten.  Do you have any old favorites?

Optional Activities For Fun Friday and Choice Time:
Would you like to learn more about a woodland creature?  I just found these cool rabbit activities.  There are two books to read and many fun activities to try All About Rabbits .

Mrs. Shoaff (math teacher)has posted some fun math games for you to use with your math baskets that you got ready last week!Math Games No Screen Involved

Here are some fun activities to do today and perhaps over vacation:

unnamed.jpgQuincy's Ball Creation and Science Writing from yesterday!

I hope you have a wonderful staycation next week.  I will miss you and I love you all!
💗Mrs. Cody

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Morning Message #23

Morning Message #23
Happy Day Kinders,
Today is Thursday, April 16th, 2020
Here is today's Daily Special.
Today in Freckle the rooster will have you working on measurement. What does the word measurement mean?  Yesterday I had to measure something in my kitchen.  Can you guess what I had to measure?  Remember to do your best on the Freckle game.  This week's Freckle math should be done on your own so that the game can put you in your just right spot!  Here is the link to Freckle.

Login on to Lexia for 15-20 minutes.
Today's story is called Snappsy the Alligator
I wonder what Snappsy is up to?

Optional Activities but highly Recommended Science/Writing

I just found this cool video that helps you think about the ending "ing." Without an ing Can you make a list of words that have ing?  I like to think of words that rhyme with sing!  
unnamed.jpg Olivia's Writing Share From Yesterday!
unnamed.jpgLucy's Writing Share.

unnamed.jpgRyan's Writing Share too!
Force and Motion:
Last week we looked at push and pull, the week before we compared two balls.  Today we will make our own balls. What are balls made of?  What's inside balls?  What shape are most balls? Gather tape, aluminum foil, old newspapers, plastic eggs, a small rock or two, rubberbands, and anything else you can find that might be used to create your own ball. 
What did you use to make your ball?
What is in the middle of your ball?
Is your ball heavy or light? 
What is your ball good at?
Is it a good roller? How far did it roll?  Did you need a lot of force to make it roll?
Is it a good bouncer?  How high did it bounce?
unnamed.jpgHere is one of my former students and the balls he made!

Have a wonderful day and enjoy all the sunshine! ðŸ’—Mrs. Cody

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Morning Message #22

Rise and Shine Friends,
Today is Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
Here is today's Daily Special.

Today in Freckle the rooster will have you working on the base 10 model.  How many squares are on the top and bottom of a base 10 model?  Remember to do your best on the Freckle game.  This week's Freckle math should be done on your own so that the game can put you in your just right spot!  Here is the link to Freckle.

Login on to Lexia for 15-20 minutes.
Read a story today using Unite for Literacy  Remember to use all your superhero reading skills like pointing to the words, looking at the first letter, and asking yourself it sounds right and makes sense!

Optional Activities but highly Recommended Science/Writing:
Love this one💗  Here is a book read to you from space If I Was an Astronaut .

What force keeps us on the ground?
How will you move your body today?  Draw a picture and write a sentence (take a picture and send it to me if possible) .

Make it a fun and beautiful day!  Lots of Love, Mrs. Cody

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Morning Message #20

Morning Message # 20
Howdy Friends,
Today is Tuesday, April 14th, 2020.
Here is today's   Daily Special .

 Math: 20 Minutes
Today is our second day of our new online math platform called Freckle. Everyone in our class did Freckle yesterday...way to go!  
 I have given you some math problems to do under the rooster/teacher section.  After you are done with the rooster section you may play with the other math sections.  You can even earn tokens to change your avatar.  Here is the link to Freckle:
2. Enter class code: CODYGH
3. Enter student username or find your name on the list.
4. Go to the rooster (screener will take 10ish minutes must finish in one session or it will start over again next time)
5.  After rooster work is done you may play with some of the other math options such as fact practice!

Please login to lexia for 15-20 minutes.
Read to a partner today.  A partner could be a stuffy, a pet, a family member!  Here is today's read aloud story Try a Little Kindness .  What are some ways you will be kind today?  What are some ways others have been kind to you today?
unnamed.jpgTess's writing from yesterday inspired by Frozen!
Optional Activities:
Practice writing this week's new heart word "eat."  Make a list of things you like to eat!
You can also practice your heart words and letters with play-dough.
Make a batch of my favorite play-dough, if you don't have food coloring, a box of jello works too!
IMG_0290.jpgGeorge practiced his heart words and shared them with his friends in his neighborhood.
We are learning more about force and motion today.  Let's call my friend Doug What is the Biggest Excavator?  Are there machines that are used around your house?  Draw a picture and write a sentence about machines doing work.
unnamed.jpgLucy's tower work!

Hope you all have an amazing day filled with fun and kindness!  I will see some of you today at 9:30 in google meets.  ðŸ’—Mrs. Cody

Monday, April 13, 2020

Morning Message # 19

Morning Message # 19 

Good Morning Class,
Today is Monday, April 13th, 2020.
Here is today's Daily Special

Today is our first day of our new online math platform called Freckle.  I have given you some math problems to do under the rooster/teacher section.  After you are done with the rooster section you may play with the other math sections.  You can even earn tokens to change your avatar.  Here is the link to Freckle:
2. Enter class code: CODYGH
3. Enter student username or find your name on the list.
4. Go to the rooster (screener will take 20 minutes must finish in one session or it will start over again next time)
5.  After rooster work is done you may play with some of the other math options!

Please login to lexia for 15-20 minutes.
Today is a great day for reading.  You can read to yourself, to a stuffed animal, to a pet, a sibling or parent.  Here is  a book about a person who never gives up Rosie Revere Engineer .

Optional Activities/Very Fun:
After listening to the story, think about what an engineer is?  Did Rosie ever give up on her dream of inventing and building?

You can be an engineer too.  Use your imagination:  If you could build anything, what would it be?

Draw and label it!  Write the words:
This is a _______________________.  It can ______________________.

Watch this video to learn more about what engineers do:

Now try to build a tower (cups, blocks, or whatever you can stack).  Build it as tall as you can.  Think about what is keeping your tower stable? Count how many objects you used to make your tower.  Measure the height and the width of your tower.  After you have tried this, watch this video:  How High Can You Stack It?

Have a super tower building day? ðŸ’—Mrs. Cod

Friday, April 10, 2020

Morning Message #18
Howdy Friends,
Today is fun Friday, April 10th, 2020.
Here is today's Daily Special .

Your work on Lexia is awesome!!! Please remember to log on for 15 minutes today.  I love seeing all of your reading progress.

Choice Time Friday:
Have a fun Friday here are some ideas.
Bake something yummy
Read a great book (Here is one of my favorite The Easter Egg Farm -You might wonder what an Easter Egg farm is?)
Create a piece of art 
Build a sculpture (with lego bricks, blocks, recycled materials)
Try one of the morning message ideas that you did not have time to try before.
Play outside.... in the snow?
Spring Clean your room 
Play Hickety Pickety with your family (hide a stuffy and your family tries to find it)
Write a how to book (Remember I wrote a how to book about making banana bread.)
Create your own game.
Something special you like to do!

I have a fun new online math program for you to try.  It is called Freckle.  I will send home your login codes for you very soon!

Have a great weekend.  ðŸ’—Mrs. Cody


Attachments area
Preview YouTube video The Easter Egg Farm - Kids Books Read Aloud

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Morning Message #17

Happy day kindergartners,
Today is Thursday, April 9th, 2020.
Here is today's Daily Special

I found this great story, I hope you enjoy it Anansi and the Moss-covered Rock
I noticed that everyone has started doing Lexia...that is great!  Remember to log on for 15 minutes!

Science Force and Motion:
Last week we experimented with the bounciness of two balls.  Today, we will try to build a catapult.  Here is the link for the directions catapult !  Have fun ☺!
You might want to draw and label your machine.
Where is the lever?
What force do you use on the lever...push or pull?
What happens when you use more force? Less force?
Measure how far your object travels each time.  
Try to launch different objects.
Do some objects travel farther than others? Why?
Last week's science challenge by Lucy

How far did your objects travel using your catapult?  Which object traveled the greatest distance? Why?

Play sumdog or a board game!

Have an awesome day. ðŸ’— Mrs. Cody