Today is Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
Here is today's Daily Special.
Today in Freckle the rooster will have you working on the base 10 model. How many squares are on the top and bottom of a base 10 model? Remember to do your best on the Freckle game. This week's Freckle math should be done on your own so that the game can put you in your just right spot! Here is the link to Freckle.
Login on to Lexia for 15-20 minutes.
Read a story today using Unite for Literacy Remember to use all your superhero reading skills like pointing to the words, looking at the first letter, and asking yourself it sounds right and makes sense!
Optional Activities but highly Recommended Science/Writing:
Love this one
Here is a book read to you from space If I Was an Astronaut .
What force keeps us on the ground?
How will you move your body today? Draw a picture and write a sentence (take a picture and send it to me if possible) .
Make it a fun and beautiful day! Lots of Love, Mrs. Cody