Today is Wednesday, April 29th, 2020.
Today is day 2 in the chick egg incubation. I gave the incubator some water this morning to keep the humidity just right for the developing embryos (unhatched chick). I also turned the eggs and talked to them! The mother hen would also turn her eggs. How do you think she turns the eggs?
Here is today's Daily Special
Olivia made an egg chart to keep track of the 21 days!
Today in Freckle the rooster we will do my favorite, adding and subtracting. After, you may play the games found within the lion icon. Here is the link to Freckle.
Optional Activities Writing and Science:
It is a special time of the year! Flowers are blooming, leaf buds are opening, the grass is getting greener, and birds are making nests! Why are they making nests? Yes! To lay eggs. We are learning about the life cycle of a bird, more specifically, a chicken! We are on day 2 with our egg incubation. The eggs need to stay at a temperature of 99 degrees Fahrenheit. How does a mother hen keep her eggs warm? You might draw a picture of the life cycle of chicken don't forget to label your life cycle with words. Here is one idea!
Fun Chicken Song with Chicken Facts:
Hendrix at George's Birthday Parade. May the force be with you!
Have a great day and I hope you get to enjoy the beautiful outdoors!
Mrs. Cody