Good Morning Class,
Today is Monday, April 13th, 2020.
Here is today's Daily Special
Today is our first day of our new online math platform called Freckle. I have given you some math problems to do under the rooster/teacher section. After you are done with the rooster section you may play with the other math sections. You can even earn tokens to change your avatar. Here is the link to Freckle:
1. Visit
2. Enter class code: CODYGH
3. Enter student username or find your name on the list.
4. Go to the rooster (screener will take 20 minutes must finish in one session or it will start over again next time)
5. After rooster work is done you may play with some of the other math options!
Please login to lexia for 15-20 minutes.
Today is a great day for reading. You can read to yourself, to a stuffed animal, to a pet, a sibling or parent. Here is a book about a person who never gives up Rosie Revere Engineer .
Optional Activities/Very Fun:
After listening to the story, think about what an engineer is? Did Rosie ever give up on her dream of inventing and building?
You can be an engineer too. Use your imagination: If you could build anything, what would it be?
Draw and label it! Write the words:
This is a _______________________. It can ______________________.
Watch this video to learn more about what engineers do:
Now try to build a tower (cups, blocks, or whatever you can stack). Build it as tall as you can. Think about what is keeping your tower stable? Count how many objects you used to make your tower. Measure the height and the width of your tower. After you have tried this, watch this video: How High Can You Stack It?
Have a super tower building day?
Mrs. Cod