Happy day kindergartners,
Today is Thursday, April 9th, 2020.
Here is today's Daily Special
I found this great story, I hope you enjoy it Anansi and the Moss-covered Rock
I noticed that everyone has started doing Lexia...that is great! Remember to log on for 15 minutes!
Science Force and Motion:
Last week we experimented with the bounciness of two balls. Today, we will try to build a catapult. Here is the link for the directions catapult ! Have fun
You might want to draw and label your machine.
Where is the lever?
What force do you use on the lever...push or pull?
What happens when you use more force? Less force?
Measure how far your object travels each time.
Try to launch different objects.
Do some objects travel farther than others? Why?
Last week's science challenge by Lucy
How far did your objects travel using your catapult? Which object traveled the greatest distance? Why?
Play sumdog or a board game!
Have an awesome day.
Mrs. Cody