Message: Video With Mrs. Cody
Happy day,
Today is fun Friday, May 15th, 2020.
Chick Report:
Today is day 17 of our chick incubation. I just turned the eggs this morning. The incubator did not need water. The temperature was just 99 degrees Fahrenheit.
We’ve been talking a lot about eggs, but what happens when an egg hatches? It takes 21 days for a chick to fully develop inside of its egg and after those 21 days, it’s finally ready to hatch. Watch this video to see a chick hatching! How do chicks hatch?
Love this video!!!!
Now that the chick has hatched, what do you think it will need to survive
Here is today's Daily Special
Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle. In Freckle today there are no new assignments. You can try to finish any old 
work from before. Feel free to choose your own fact practice today or play a game with your family!
Optional Activities:
Friday joke of the day: What is a chicken’s least favorite day of the week? (The answer is at the end of this message.)
Today is Choice Day! You choose something special to do like....
Play outside in the rain
Make a fun sign for a window at your house
Write a Book
Build Something
Create a matchbox city
Paint or Draw
Read a Book
Play a Game
Hula Hoop
Jump rope
Write all the Numbers (as far as you can go)
Have a tea party
Please send me a picture of you doing something for choice time.
Math lesson with Mrs. Cody Freckle With Mrs.Cody
(understanding subtraction and multiple choice)
Have a very fun day!
Answer to the joke: fry-day!