Happy fun Friday, May 8th, 2020
Chick Report:
Today is day 10 of our chick incubation. I just turned the eggs this morning. The incubator did not need water. We are halfway to the start of the hatch. The temperature was just 99 degrees Fahrenheit.
Here is today's Daily Special
Math (20 Minutes):
We are working counting and subtraction today. Remember that with subtracting we are taking away! Here is a funny subtraction song you might like Doughnut Subtraction.
Today is Choice Day! You choose something special to do like....
Take a Bike Ride
Make a Mother's Day Card
Write a Book
Build Something
Create a matchbox city
Paint or Draw
Read a Book
Play a Game
Hula Hoop
Take a Hike
Write all the Numbers (as far as you can go)
Have a tea party
Please send me a picture of you doing something for choice time...I will include them in Monday's message!
Fun Friday joke of the day: What did one volcano say to the other? (Answer at the bottom of the page.)
Word of the Week: you
A Poem for the word you!
I can spell you.
I can spell you.
I can spell you.
Can you spell it too?
I hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Mother's Day Weekend!
Mrs. Cody
A: I lava you