Today is Monday, May 4th, 2020.
May the 4th be with you!
Today is day 7 of our chick incubation. All the main parts of the chicken have developed. You can learn more about chickens Here. I just turned the eggs this morning. The incubator did not need any water. The temperature was just 99 degrees Fahrenheit.
Here is today's Daily Special
Math (20 Minutes):
All of you are doing such a great job with your Freckle math work. Here is the link to Freckle. Please look to the rooster for your activities. After you can play the other games in the lion icon.
Login on to Lexia for 15-20 minutes
Read for 30 minutes or more. Here is an idea read by Mrs. Cody:
Optional Activities Science/Writing:
Lets review the letter Qq remember you never See Q without U (fun quick video).
Write and illustrate the sentence:
When it is quiet, I like to ____________________________.
I just love this Mystery Science from my Friend Doug Why don't people eat Ostrich Eggs?
Why don't people eat ostrich eggs? Please send me your answers!
Have a great Monday!
Mrs. Cod