Today is Tuesday, May 5th, 2020.
Chick Report:
Today is day 8 of our chick incubation. I just turned the eggs this morning. The incubator did not need any water. The temperature was just 99 degrees Fahrenheit.
Here is today's Daily Special
Math (20 Minutes):
I sent out Freckle certificates last night. If I missed you please send me an email! Here is the link to Freckle. Please look to the rooster for your activities. After you can play the other games in the lion icon.
Login on to Lexia for 15-20 minutes
Read for 30 minutes or more. Here is another story by Mo Willems The Thankful Book
Optional Activities Writing and Science:
This Sunday is mother's day. I am so thankful for my mom. I'm going to make her a card and tell her that I am thankful that she is my mom. You can make your mom a mother's day card too! Here is an idea of a note you might want to write inside your card.
Dear Mom,
Happy Mother's Day
I am thankful for ___________________________.
I love you.
Quincy found this Mystery Science Lesson yesterday. You might want to try's about flowers and mother's day!
Why do Flowers Bloom? I attached Quincy's blooming flowers!
Have a super nice day!
Love, Mrs. Cody