Video: Message With Mrs.Cody
Happy Chick Parade Day,
Today is wellness Wednesday, May 19th, 2020.
Chick Report:
Our 9 chicks are growing so fast. They eat chick food, known as "starter feed" or "chick crumb." Do baby chicks
get treats? If they are raised by a mother hen they have treats from day 1. She tells them what to eat in the farmyard. But unlike a mother hen, we can't be there all the time to tell them what they're supposed to eat! Left to their own devices they would choose a yummy treat over proper food every time! I was able to video the last egg hatching.
Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle. In Freckle today there is one new base 10 assignment. You can try to finish any old 
work from before.
Lexia for 15-20 minutes. Read for 30 minutes. Here is our friend Quincy reading Please Sit Still. Have you ever had to sit still for a long time? It can be very tricky! I had to be very patient to video the last egg hatching
Optional Activities:
Today’s problem solver is a story problem about frogs.
There were 6 frogs sitting on a log. Some frogs jumped into the water. How many frogs were left sitting on the log?
Show your thinking in pictures, numbers, or words and share it with me.
Practice writing the numbers 1-20. You can make them really tiny, fancy or super big! Try doing it with chalk on the pavement.
See you soon and have an egg-cellent day! Lots of Love, Mrs. Cody and the