Today is Thursday, May 7th, 2020
Chick Report:
Today is day 9 of our chick incubation. I just turned the eggs this morning. The incubator did not need water. The temperature was just 99 degrees Fahrenheit.
Here is today's Daily Special
Math (20 Minutes):
We are working on base 10 at your level!
I have been hearing the spring peepers, otherwise known as the chorus frogs. I wonder why? Go to a pond and listen, you may hear them too! There is a pond at the bottom of Hubbard Park if you are looking for one!
One of our friends found some signs of spring yesterday!
Did you know that frogs have life cycles too?
Frogs are living things and all living things have life cycles!
What are some other life cycles we've learned about this year?
Watch this video about the life cycle of a frog.
Which of these frogs is different from the rest?
What makes it different?
You can write about this! Start with the words:
This frog is the only one that _____________.
There are more kindergarten learning experiences here!
Extended Learning for KindergartenHave a "hoppy" day!