Monday, January 22, 2018

100 Days of School

My, how time flies! Friday, February 16th will mark our 100th day of school. We will celebrate by incorporating counting to 100 activities into our learning. Your children have been learning how to count to 100 by 10s and 1s. They are also learning how to group objects by 10s.

You can help by having your child find 100 things around the house to bring in on Thursday,February 15. It could be anything (cereal, pasta, toothpicks, buttons, stickers, marbles, pennies) just put the collection in a small zip-loc baggie and send it to school!

Thanks for your support,

Dena Cody

Valentine's Day


Dear Families,

We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, February 14th. We will focus on the ways that people care for each other, and the importance of good friends.
If your child wants to bring Valentine Cards, please have your child bring them for ALL of their classmates. Please help your child with their Valentine’s cards. Attached is a class list with all the children’s names. This is a great opportunity for your child to practice writing names starting with uppercase. Working on a few cards each day helps keep this activity fun. Go ahead and start early.
·   Homemade cards are great too!
·          Candy is not necessary or needed.
·   We will be having a special afternoon snack too... donations are greatly appreciated (healthy please).
Enjoy this season of love,

Dena Cody