Sunday, September 26, 2021

Kinder News 3 September 26th, 2021

Hi Kinder Families,

We are really moving along!  The kids are settling into our class routines

and taking care of each other.  On Thursday, September 30th we will have our first ECO class. 

We will visit Harrison Field (a couple blocks up the road) for science. 

Each week will walk to Harrison Field either on Thursdays or Mondays from 1:00-2:00. 

The children should come prepared for the weather (we even go in the rain). 

We will begin learning about the outdoor space and how to be safe while we are visiting. 

It is a bit of a walk (5-10 minutes)so please help your child to pick out comfortable shoes.

Here is a snapshot of the past two weeks: (I was out of town last weekend)

-Worked on writing and sounds of letters B, F, H, K, and P

-Heart words (words we need to know in a snap) the, like, me, see

- Began reading groups

-We became word detectives and looked for words around our room

-Made three make and take keep books with predictable text

-Received books for our book boxes "we call it shopping for books"

-Continued working on becoming writers by learning how to stretch words out and

writing the first letter we hear

-Read all about Pete the Cat and he lets things go and made Pete the cats

-released our painted lady butterflies

-Began learning about trees

-Learned about how apples become sweet (varieties and selection)

-We had an apple tasting with tree different varieties of apples

-Made a class graph of our favorite varieties

-Used apples for some stamp art

-Worked on counting to 100 and number formation up to 10 

-Practiced using our math menus during math

(they get to choose which item on math menu they would like to practice)

-We started using our Math Journals to work on math story problems

-Played a roll and cover game

-Sang a song about singing in the rain with body movements

-Began using our chromebooks and playing Lexia (a reading program)

-Our Gem jar is almost full again

-Discussed our feelings and made mood meters (they brought these home last week)

We read many books including:

Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig by Kate DiCamillo

My Many Colored Days By Dr. Suess

Pete the Cat By Eric Litwin

I'll Wait Mr. Panda By Steve Antony

Apple Trouble By Ragnhild Scamell

The Grouchy Ladybug By Eric Carle

Angry Octopus By Lori Lite

Possible Questions to ask your child:

What was your favorite apple?

What happened to the octopus in the angry octopus story?

How do you stretch out a word?

What is a mood meter?

Apple Tasting

(We washed our hands and had our masks off only long enough to taste three small apple slices!)

Red Delicious, Golden Delicious and Granny Smith Varieties

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Kinder News 2 Week of September 6th

 Hi Kinder Families,

We had a wonderful week in kindergarten.  The children brainstormed our class rules and had their first gem jar celebration!  

Our class rules:

1.  We are kind.

2.  We are safe.

3.  We clean up.

4.  We listen to each other.

Here is our week in a snapshot:

-worked on writing and sounds of letters a, i. and t

-heart words (words we need to know in a snap) a and I as well as added our names to the heart word wall

- practiced writing our names with proper formation

-made three make and take keep books with predictable text

-received books for our book boxes

-Continued working on becoming writers "a writer is never done they have only just begun"

-writers picture ideas in their head 

-learned "why hand sanitizer works"

-released three butterflies

-learned about the life cycle of butterflies

-contined making observations in our butterfly journals

-made monarch butterfly head bands

-worked on counting to 20 and number formation up to 10 

-practiced using our math menus during math (they get to choose which item on math menu they would like to practice)

-sang songs including a "Butterfly" song

-learned how to play the change game, and  Doggy, who has your bone?

-went out each day three times learning how to play four square (very exciting)

We read many books including:

Mercy Watson to the Rescue by Kate DiCamillo

Ruby Finds a Worry by Tom Percival

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Gotta Go! Gotta Go! by Sam Swope

Word Wall

Letter Key Words and Sounds

Math Representing Numerals 1-5 with a flip book

Our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Name Tree


The Letter T can of soup and some of our read alouds!


Sunday, September 5, 2021

Writing and Math Workshop


Kindergarten News 1

 Hello and Welcome to kindergarten fall 2021

The kids are all off to a wonderful start.  They are extremely flexible especially with mask wearing.  I am very impressed at how prepared they all are with extra masks!  One idea that I noticed is a ziplock bag labeled "dirty" masks.  The class has a very early lunch so we are having an afternoon snack each day.  Please send in at least two-three snacks  (we may phase out the afternoon snack but for now they are so hungry).  I do have some emergency snacks just in case...donations are always welcome.

Here is this week's Swoop Scoop just in case you missed the email.  There are some changes!

Here is a snapshot of the last two weeks in kindergarten!

Activities included:

  • making Kindergarten crowns
  • visiting our outdoor learning space and taking a mask break
  • learning the names of our new friends
  • math-playing with pattern blocks, roll/cover chester game, and Play Doh numbers
  • reading books, letter A work, rhyming our names, and listening to the beginning sounds of words
  • morning meeting activities greetings and games
  • making a Chester raccoon puppet
  • making a kissing hand necklace
  • eating lunch in the cafeteria
  • kept our masks on! (except for at lunch/snacks and when we went outside for a mask break)
  • went to specials
  • Started writers workshop "we are writers"
  • Caterpillar/Butterfly Science and Journals
  • Self-portraits and family portraits

The books we read or listened to included:

  • The King of Kindergarten by Derrick Barnes
  • My Name is a Song by Jemilah Thompkins-Bigelow
  • Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready For Kindergarten by Joseph Slate
  • The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
  • Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
  • The Family Book by Todd Parr
  • and so many more!
Fondly, Dena Cody