Sunday, September 12, 2021

Kinder News 2 Week of September 6th

 Hi Kinder Families,

We had a wonderful week in kindergarten.  The children brainstormed our class rules and had their first gem jar celebration!  

Our class rules:

1.  We are kind.

2.  We are safe.

3.  We clean up.

4.  We listen to each other.

Here is our week in a snapshot:

-worked on writing and sounds of letters a, i. and t

-heart words (words we need to know in a snap) a and I as well as added our names to the heart word wall

- practiced writing our names with proper formation

-made three make and take keep books with predictable text

-received books for our book boxes

-Continued working on becoming writers "a writer is never done they have only just begun"

-writers picture ideas in their head 

-learned "why hand sanitizer works"

-released three butterflies

-learned about the life cycle of butterflies

-contined making observations in our butterfly journals

-made monarch butterfly head bands

-worked on counting to 20 and number formation up to 10 

-practiced using our math menus during math (they get to choose which item on math menu they would like to practice)

-sang songs including a "Butterfly" song

-learned how to play the change game, and  Doggy, who has your bone?

-went out each day three times learning how to play four square (very exciting)

We read many books including:

Mercy Watson to the Rescue by Kate DiCamillo

Ruby Finds a Worry by Tom Percival

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Gotta Go! Gotta Go! by Sam Swope

Word Wall

Letter Key Words and Sounds

Math Representing Numerals 1-5 with a flip book

Our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Name Tree


The Letter T can of soup and some of our read alouds!