Saturday, September 30, 2023

Kinder News # 3

 Kinder News,


Hello and happy fall!  We had a very busy two weeks of school.  We filled our gem jar 2X again by following the school rules (We are kind. We are safe. We are responsible.)  We had 2 extra choice times in the morning!  I have several important dates coming up. 

Extra Choice Time

Important Dates:

Thursday, October 5 All School Assembly

Friday, October 6 No School Inservice Day

Monday, October 9 No School Indigenous Peoples Day 

Tuesday, October 10 ECO at Harrison Field 11:25-12:25

Tuesday, October 24 ECO at Harrison Field 11:25-12:25

Monday, October 30-November 3 PUMPKIN WEEK

Thursday, November 9 Early Release Day

Pumpkin Day and Apple Donations:

We will have pumpkin week starting October 30. We will use pumpkins for math, literacy and science!   We are looking for small pumpkin donations…the smaller the better!  Each child needs their own pumpkin... extra donations are greatly appreciated.  We also need apple donations.  We are using apples for science and cooking for the next couple of weeks.  Small pumpkins go quickly in the shops!  Thank you for your support.


We have our second ECO on Tuesday, October 10th.  We will walk over to Harrison at 11:25-12:25. Please make sure you help your child dress for the weather.  We usually go rain or shine!

ECO with Victoria and Mrs. Bate’s Class


I bring the children out for recess at least twice a day rain or shine.  It is very helpful that the children are properly dressed for the weather.  Thank you for your help!

Literacy Snapshot:

Letters/Letter sounds -M man /m/, N nut /n/, I itch /i/, U up /u/

Name work/Writing our names with the first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase.

Name puzzles

Letter formation uppercase and lowercase m, n, p, r, all capital frog jump letters.

Beginning Letter sound sorts

Segmenting and deleting syllables.

Some Books we read:

The Family Book

Our Class is a Family

The Apple Pie Book

The Dot

A Busy Year

I Want My Hat Back

Ten Apples up on Top

Math Snapshot:

Counted what was in our counting bags.

Practiced Proper Number Formation 1,2,3 playdough and writing.

Engineering apple trees (balancing and counting)

Played a dice and number match game.

Counting through the teen numbers

Discussed the teen numbers 11-16 

Math Menus and windowpanes

Science/SS Snapshot:

Life Cycle of Apple trees  

Apple Printing

Engineered harvesting pickers.

Apple Song -singing

Taste Test (red, yellow and green apples)

Fourth Grade Buddies Fridays 8:30-9:00

Self Portraits

Neighborhood Maps/Paper Bag Neighborhoods

Engineers/Apple Pickers

Social Emotional Learning:

School Bus Safety and practice

Fire Drill Safety and practice

Mood Meter Practice


Be your Best Self

Bus Safety/Bus Drill Practice

Questions to Ask your Kinder:

What is a math windowpane?

Practice making the letter M and N? They are frog jump letters.

Sing the apple song or the pencil grip song!

How many days have we been in school (hint it’s the number after 20)?

What was your favorite apple?

Tell me about the mood meter.

Fourth Grade Buddies

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Kinder News #2 2023

 Kinder News,

Hello and happy weekend!  We had a very busy first two weeks of school.  The kids are still working hard to learn about our classroom and navigating a very busy day in kindergarten.  They are doing an amazing job!  They filled our gem jar 2x by following the school rules (We are kind. We are safe. We are responsible.)  We had two extra morning choice times to celebrate.  We have several important dates coming up. 

Important Dates:

Monday, September 25th Early Release Day (1:00 dismissal)

Tuesday. September 26th ECO We will walk to Harrison Field 11:20-12:20 for environmental science activities with Victory from the Nature Center

Friday, October 6th School Closed (Inservice Day)

Monday, October 9th School Closed (Indigenous Peoples’ Day)

Extra Choice Time!

Literacy Snapshot:

Letters/Letter sounds -Tt top /t/, Bb bat /b/ and Ff fun /f/ 

Name work-first letter uppercase the rest lowercase.

Letter formation -pencil grip song, and name writing practice.

Rhyming words Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas

Compound words example: cup - cake = cupcake

We worked on a take and make book Chester Loves School

Some Books we read (and so many more):

It’s Okay to be Different.

The Family Book

We all Make Mistakes

How are you peeling?

The Dot

A Monarch Butterfly

Gotta Go!

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Playdough Fun!

Math Snapshot:

Math Menu Boxes

Recognizing Numbers to 10

Pattern Block Creations

Number Towers

Playdough Numbers

Interlocking Blocks

Counted with manipulatives.

Dice games with numbers and dots

Pattern Pillars

Pattern Pillars

Math Menu Play

Science Snapshot:

Life Cycle of Butterflies  

Butterfly journals


Released Two Painted Ladies

Butterfly Symmetry Crowns

Optional Questions to Ask your Kinder:

How do you earn a class gem?

Do a countdown from 10!

What sound does “b” make?  What sound does “t” make? What sound does “f’ make? 

Are there other animals that change (Metamorphosis)like caterpillars?

What are the stages of a butterfly?

How many letters are in your name?

What are the school rules?  What does choose to be kind mean?

What are math menu boxes?

What is Owl time?  This is an intervention block from 9:00-9:25 each day. Throughout the year we will use assessments and observations to guide these short bursts of teaching points.  Some interventionists include Rachel Whalen (literacy), Leah Shoaff (math), Member of the Social Emotional Learning Team, Abbie Eldridge (Speech) and of course me!  If your child is receiving an intervention, you will get an email from one of the specialists.  As always if you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email.