Sunday, October 30, 2022

Kindergarten News #6 October 30th

 Kinder News,

ECO Story Time learning about forest decomposers! 

Hello kinder families!  Another great two weeks.  We had a gem celebration on Thursday -disco party!  We all danced for a solid 15 minutes.  They earned this celebration by earning gems for being -kind, safe and responsible.  We now have playground bucks.  They can earn these bucks for being kind, safe, and responsible on the playground.  This is a whole school challenge and the bucks can be used to buy new playground equipment.

Important Dates:

Monday, October 31st Pumpkin Day (small pumpkin wear orange or black)

Tuesday, November 1st ECO (44-66 degrees, cloudy) Every other Tuesday

Friday Mornings 8:45-9:15 Mr. French’s Class Visits (Fourth Grade Buddies)

Friday, November 11th Early Release Day 

Friday, November 11th We will watch the Parade!

Monday, November 21-25 No School

Lego Friends during Choice Time

Pumpkin Day Donations:

We will have pumpkin day on October 31. We will use pumpkins for math, literacy and science!  The kids can also wear orange or black to school for Pumpkin Harvest Day!


We have ECO on Tuesday, November 1st. We will walk over to Harrison at 8:30-10:30.  Please make sure you help your child dress for the weather (Cloudy low 44 high 66).  We go to ECO every other Tuesday.  Future ECO DATES for 2022 include 11/1, 11/15, 11/29, and 12/13.  We typically  do not go out in January.

Nature's Kitchen

Literacy Snapshot:

Letters/letter Sounds (almost all of the letters)

Exploring Y as a vowel

Name work/Writing our names with the first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase

Letter Formation

Heart words - A, I , the, me, my, see

We are each making a thankful book- new page!

Added some new start student names

Worked on being Brave during writing and hearing the first and last sounds in a word

Labeled our pictures

Went shopping for books for our book boxes

Practiced Rhyming with Mrs. Whalen “The Hungry Thing”

Some Books we read:

Too Many Pumpkins by Linda White

Creak! Said the Bed by Phyllis Root

Ish by Peter H. Reynolds

Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae

Leaf Trouble by Jonathan Emmett

Math Snapshot:

Counted by 10s to 100

Practice counting in the teens

Practiced Proper Number Formation 0-10

Played double dice adding games

Practiced counting to 100

Played which number will win up to 12

Apple Life Cycle Crowns with Ms Hannah

Science/SS Snapshot:

Apple life cycle crowns with Ms. Hannah from Montpelier High School

Thanksgiving Book I am thankful for…

Traditions Book

Nature's Kitchen -looked for decomposers in the forest

Composting with John Jose (Guest Speaker from Central Vermont Solid Waste Management)

Worms in our classroom!

Went to our first all school assembly and learned about playground bucks

We welcomed a new classmate!

We are looking at worms and compost with John.

Questions to Ask your Kinder:

What are our new classroom pets?

Tell me about what you are writing about during writing?

How do playground bucks work?

Count to 50 by ones. 

What are the decades?

Review all of our snap words so far: I, a, see, me, my, the

Who is your big buddy?

Big Buddies Reading with us!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Kindergarten News #5 October 16th

 Kinder News,

ECO Story Time

Hello kinder families!  We had an amazing two weeks.  The kids earned another gem celebration for being kind, safe and responsible.  We will have a show and tell day on Monday, October 17th.  The kids may bring something from home to tell us about on Monday morning (it should fit in their bags).  Please help your child practice what they might want to tell us!

Important Dates:

Monday, October 17th Show and Tell Day

Monday, October 17th Picture Day

Tuesday, October 18th ECO at Harrison Field 8:45-10:45 (rainy low 30s high 50s)

Friday, October 28th No School Parent Teacher Conferences (here to sign up)

Monday, October 31st Pumpkin Day (small pumpkin)

Friday Mornings 8:45-9:15 Mr. French’s Class Visits (Fourth Grade Buddies)

Apple/Pumpkin Farm Stand Store

Pumpkin Day Donations:

We will have pumpkin day on October 31. We will use pumpkins for math, literacy and science!   We are looking for small pumpkin donations…the smaller the better!  Each child needs their own pumpkin.. extra donations are greatly appreciated. The kids can also wear orange to school for Pumpkin Harvest Day!


We have ECO on Tuesday, October 18th. We will walk over to Harrison at 8:30-10:30.  Please make sure you help your child dress for the weather (rainy low 37 high 53).  We go to ECO every other Tuesday.  Future ECO DATES for 2022 include 11/1, 11/15, 11/29, and 12/13.  We typically  do not go out in January.

Literacy Snapshot:

Letters/letter Sounds -A, B, C, D, H, J, M, N. O, P, S, T, V

Learning all about Vowels

Name work/Writing our names with the first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase

Letter Formation

Heart words - A, I , the

We are each making a thankful book

Practiced learning other peoples’ names

Labeled the room

Used our names to make new words

Writing we worked on revising, asking questions, and adding more to our books 

Visited the Kellogg-Hubbard Library

Some Books we read:

Tea Cakes for Tosh

The Girl Who Loved Horses

Spookley the Square Pumpkin

The Apple Pie Book

The Thanksgiving Book

We are each making a gratitude book.

PJ Stuffy Day…everyone is listening to the story The Girl who Loved Horses.

We are Thankful for the sun!

Math Snapshot:

Counted by 10s to 100

Practice counting in the teens

Practiced Proper Number Formation 0-10

Played double dice leaf search addition

Practiced counting to 100

Started using ten frames for representing a number

Continued our work with teen numbers 11-16 

Learning about Traditions…we made tea cakes like Tosh!

Science/SS Snapshot:

Life Cycle of an Apple

Apple Cooking 

Apple taste testing

Apple graphing

Apple Store

Thanksgiving Book

Traditions Book

Mouse Houses at ECO

Recycling and Composting with John Jose (Guest Speaker from Central Vermont Solid Waste Management)

John Jose Presents Us Our Certificate!

Questions to Ask your Kinder:

Did you like the taste of the tea cakes?

What was your favorite part of the Kellogg-Hubbard Library?

What family tradition did you write about?

What is one strategy you can use when using two dice?

What is your favorite way to eat apples?

Our walk to the Kellogg-Hubbard Library!