Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Kinder News 12 February 7th, 2023

 Kinder News, 

Thank you  for all of your support for the lip Sync Battle. It was so much fun! 

Link to our Lip Sync Battle performance  

Wish list:

Thank you so much for all the extra snacks!

Expo Markers (low order)

Sandwich bags

Important Dates:

Tuesday, February 14 Valentine’s Day Card Exchange

Monday, February 27-March 7th No School Winter Vacation

Next ECO February TBD

Friday, March 31 Parent Teacher Conference

Literacy Snapshot:

Consonant Blends (cl, bl, etc)

Reviewing Digraphs (ch, wh, -ck, th, sh)

Reviewing Blending and writing CVC Words

Heart words - A, I , the, me, my, see, at, this, is, like, am, and, look, on, it, look, to, an, and, can, do, no, so ,go, you

Nonfiction Books-Animal Reports

Writing letters, words and sentences

Reading groups


Some Books We read:

Mercy Watson Something Wonky this Way Comes

Nonfiction Animal books (Vermont Animal Books)

Winter Dance

Howard B. Wigglebottom

Math Snapshot:

Comparing numbers (greater than, less than, same)

Counting to 100

Number formation

Counting by 10s

Math Menu

Science/SS Snapshot:

Vermont Animal Project

Funny Animal Videos

How animals survive in Winter

What animals eat to survive

How to say stop and what to do when friends ask us to stop

We had our third guidance lesson and we received our mindful journals (What makes you feel mad?)

4th grade Buddies every Friday

Questions to Ask your Kinder:

What do you do if someone asks you to stop?

What kind of eater is your Vermont animal (herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore)?

Think of numbers that are less than, greater than and the same as 14?

Practice writing some of your heart words (no, go, so, do, to, you)just to name a few!

Work on your Valentine’s Day cards.

Vet Shop