Sunday, October 15, 2023

Kinder News #4 October 15

 Kinder News,

Hello kinder families!  We had an amazing short two weeks.  The kids earned another gem celebration for being kind, safe and responsible.  

Important Dates:

Tuesday, October 24 ECO at Harrison Field 11:25-12:25

Monday, October 30-November 3 PUMPKIN WEEK

Thursday, November 9 Early Release Day

*Friday Mornings 8:45-9:15 Mr. French’s Class Visits (Fourth Grade Buddies)

*Every other Tuesday ECO at Harrison Field 11:20-12:20

Pumpkin Week:

We will have pumpkin week starting October 30. We will use pumpkins for math, literacy and science!   We have enough pumpkins for everyone.  Thank you so much for all of the tiny pumpkins and apple donations.


We have our next ECO on Tuesday, October 24th.  We will walk over to Harrison at 11:25-12:25.  Please make sure you help your child dress for the weather.  We usually go rain or shine!

ECO Insects:

Literacy Snapshot:

Letters/letter Sounds - Oo Octopus /o/, Uu Up /u/, Aa Apple /a/, Gg Game /g/

Learning all about Vowels-Syllables, blending and segmenting sounds, compound words, counting words in sentences, beginning and final sounds in words.

Name work/Writing our names with the first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase

Heart words - A -A Zoo Book, Me Labeling Pictures 

HandWriting -Review letters and new letters K, U, V, and W

Started Using our Writing Journals

Some Books we read:

10 Red Apples

Mercy Watson to the Rescue

I Can Save the Earth

Zombies Don’t Eat Veggies

Playing in Kindergarten

Math Snapshot:

Counted by 10s to 100

Practice counting in the teens.

Practiced Proper Number Formation 0-10

Played partner Number Knockout

Played apple tree math game with a partner.

Started using ten frames for representing a number.

Continued our work with teen numbers 11-16 (10+4)


Apple Math 5 Frames

Science/SS/SEL (social emotional learning) Snapshot:

Life Cycle of an Apple

Apple Cooking Apple Sauce 

Apple Store

Label the parts of an apple

Emotions and Breathing Activities

Insects at ECO

Recycling and Composting with John Jose (Guest Speaker from Central Vermont Solid Waste Management)

Leaf Rubbings and Paintings (so beautiful)

John Jose Presents Us Super Sorters

Questions to Ask your Kinder:

Did you like the apple sauce we made in the crockpot?

Who is Blue Benny?

What does subitizing mean?

What is a syllable?

How do you build your brain muscle?  What is Heggerty?

What is the top dog?