Sunday, December 3, 2023

Kinder News #7 December 3

 Kinder News, 

Hello friends…the kids are all doing amazing and making so much progress!

Important Dates:

Tuesday, December 12, ECO Please help your child dress for the weather

Monday, December 4th Gingerbread Study (math, science, literacy and traditions)

Thursday, December 21st Winter Solstice/Day in the DARK

Friday, December 22 Early dismissal 12:50-1:00

Friday, December 22 Decorate Gingerbread Cookies with our 4th grade buddies

  Day in the Dark    

On Thursday, December 21 the kindergarten classes will have a “Day in the Dark” to reinforce learning about day and night, including solstice - the shortest day and longest night of the year!  If possible, please send in some flashlights (each child will need one for the day).

  • Flashlights

We will return your items that day. Please label all items sent to school. If you have any questions, just let us know.

 Last week we made snow forts for the first snow at ECO!

Literacy Snapshot:

Letters and letter sounds (x, y, w, v)

Using letter sounds to blend CVC words (bat, mat, sat, lid, pop, etc)

Heart words - A, I, the, me, 

Reading groups

Memory Rhyming

Syllable count game

Listening for the last sound in words

Segmentation of sounds in words

Blending sounds

Some Books We read:

Mercy Watson



Because of an Acorn

‘Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving

Waiting for Winter

Math Snapshot:

Counting to 100

Teen Numbers (18 is 10 and 8 more)

Double Ten’s Frames

Number formation

Counting by 10s

Cuisenaire Rods (staircases and adding)

Math Menu

Science/SS Snapshot:

How do turtles get ready for winter

Family Traditions -lacrosse

Where do animals live?

Snow forts -engineering project

Art project with the book Frederick (mouse pictures)

Fourth Grade Buddies (we went to visit their classroom)

SEL (social emotional learning) we worked on breathing and practice a lock down drill.


Choice Time Fun:

Questions to Ask your Kinder:

What sound does x make?  Where in a word is x usually found?

What sound does y make?  Who is y jealous of?

How did Frederick help the other mice?

We learned about the Seneca tradition of lacrosse.  Discuss your family traditions.