Sunday, February 4, 2024

Kinder News #12

 Kinder News: 

We had another awesome two weeks.  Thank you so much for all the extra snacks.  Please be on the lookout for UES report cards.  They are mailing them out on Monday.

Wish List:

We have a new pretend post office.  We need envelopes, stickers (stamps), and memo-type paper for the kids to use and mail to each other!  

Important Dates:

Monday, February 12 100 Day Ziplock items are due

Wednesday, February 14: Valentine’s Day Card Exchange

Wednesday, February 14, 100th Day of School

Monday, February 26-March 5: No School Winter Vacation

Next ECO February TBD

Thursday, March 21 Early Release Day (1:00)

Friday, March 22 Caregiver Conference

Literacy Snapshot:

Silent e rule

Reviewing Digraphs (ch, wh, -ck, th, sh)

Reviewing Blending and writing CVC Words

Sight words - A, I, the, me, my, by, see, he, we, be, she, at, his, is, like, an, and, can, to

Writing letters, words, and sentences

Reading groups

Some Books We read:

Animals in Winter

Woodchucks (nonfiction)

Groundhog’s Day Off

Over and Under the Pond

Strega Nona

Being Frank

21 Elephants the story about the Brooklyn Bridge

Math Snapshot:

Comparing numbers (greater than, less than, same)

Counting to 100

Number Formation

Counting by 10s

Math Menu

Bridge Designs for 21 Elephants

Science/SS Snapshot:

Vermont Animal Names

How animals survive

How animals eat to survive

Hibernation Creations

Where do animals live

All about Woodchucks

Guidance/SEL -how to use breathing strategies when we are feeling nervous

4th grade Buddies every Friday

Questions to Ask your Kinder:

What is one interesting fact about groundhogs?

Think of numbers that are less than, greater than, and the same as 14.

What is your Vermont animal name?

Practice writing your last name.

Work on your Valentine’s Day cards and counting objects to 100.