Sunday, October 4, 2020

 Here is a quick snapshot of week four:

PE:  Last week we learned how to play compliment tag, and began a bowling unit!  Remember to wear sneakers  Monday-Wednesday!

ECO:  We learned all about the different parts of insects, we had an insect relay race, created nature insects and looked for insects in the woods.  We will go to Harrison Field on Tuesday this coming week.  Please check the weather report.  I will bring the kids out even if it is raining.

Science:  We discovered why leaves change color, and created leaf rubbing cards.  We released our four butterflies on a beautiful sunny day.  We wished them well on their trip south.  We read Gotta Go! Gotta Go! -a book about a monarch’s travel to Mexico.

Math:  We worked on writing numbers up to 10, Counting objects and matching numbers up to 10, and read Rooster's off to See the World -We problem solved how many animals went with rooster on his adventure?  We also introduced the word symmetrical.  Goals:  I can count objects up to 10.  I can write numbers up to 10.

Literacy:   We worked on letters i (itch)and j (jug)(how to unlock their sounds and hand writing).  They each got letter magnet trays to practice making and writing their sight words.   We were letter i and j detectives.  We read a make and take book about “The Hungry Caterpillar” and received our October pointers, witches fingers.  Also, we read several picture favorite was The Hungry Thing.  The rainbow monster puppet came to visit.   He likes to mix up his words (rhyming)!  Goal:  I can produce and listen for rhyming words. I can read high frequency words.   Heart Words/High Frequency Words: me, am, I, see, like

Next Week’s letters: m, k and p Words: a, the 

Art/Music:  We used oil pastels to create amazing dot art inspired by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama.

Choice Time Options:  We used tempera paints to make butterfly puppets.

Mindful:  We practiced rainbow and chime breathing.

Recess:  Please remember to send in rain gear (rain jacket and rain pants)and boots on rainy days.

*Please remember to put a quick note in red folders or email us about breakfast and lunch plans for the week