Thursday, May 14, 2020

Morning Message #38

Video MessageMessage with Mrs. Cody
Hello Learners,
Today is Thursday, May 14th, 2020.

Chick Report:🐥
Today is day 16 of our chick incubation. I just turned the eggs this morning. The incubator did need some water. The temperature was just 99 degrees Fahrenheit.   We know that chickens lay eggs, but do you know any other animals that lay eggs?  Watch the video below to see some other kinds of animals that lay eggs.  What Comes From an Egg?

Here is today's Daily Special 

Math (20 Minutes):
Here is the link to Freckle.  Please look to the 🐓rooster and 🦁 lion for your activities.

Lexia for 15-20 minutes 
Read for 30 minutes or you can listen to this book...
Do you know the name for animals that lay eggs?  They are called oviparous animals.  Let’s say that word and clap out the syllables.  O-vip-a-rous.
Here’s a read-aloud about oviparous animals and their eggs called An Egg Is Quiet.  Click the cover to listen!

Optional Activities:
This video from Mystery Science reminded me of the story I sent you this week about the girl who wanted to find a fox.  Doug teaches three different ways to look for animals.  You will get to turn into a snail, praying mantis and a gopher.  I think you will like watching how animals keep themselves safe How can you find animals in the woods?

Today’s problem solver is a Would You Rather question about chickens and their eggs.  
Would you rather have 1 GIANT chicken who lays 1 GIANT egg every day or 5 small chickens who lay 2 small eggs each every day?
Show your thinking in pictures, numbers, or words and share it with me!

Have a very fun day! 💗Mrs.Cody